For people who want more from their lives and from themselves

Hi, I'm Taylor.
I coach people because I think we all can live richer lives - truer, bigger, more fulfilling - but stuff gets in the way of that, we take wrong turns, forget what's important or we just know there's got to be more to it than this. I think we often don't let the truest, most unique parts of us shine. I think we haven't given enough thought to our goals and the impact we want to have on those around us. I think it's really courageous to try to be more of who we truly are and do more of what we truly want.
I also coach because having coaches has truly changed my life.
Now I want to help others change their lives.
My Story
Coaching unites several passions of mine - curiosity about people, co-creating the future, and being in service to others.
The constant throughout my professional career is that I've worked to IMPROVE PEOPLE'S LIVES. My interest in that work blossomed getting a Master of Design degree at the Institute of Design, IIT. In my work at Lextant, a design research consultancy, I learned to discover what people want to experience and what products and services might deliver that experience. I learned to set aside my assumptions and solutions and ask great questions, LISTEN CAREFULLY and build so much empathy that I really could put myself in others' shoes. I spoke with 1000's of people, including farmers, nurses, dishwasher owners (like you and me), SUV drivers, auto parts shoppers, etc.
While I know we benefit from improved cell phones, better dishwashers, and more efficient tractors it was always the people - their emotions, frustrations, situations - that interested me more than the things that we could design to sell to them. I learned to ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS and deeply listen. When I did so it was clear people wanted so much more than what they were experiencing today. Honest wanting to DO MORE, BE MORE, AND LIVE MORE in a way that was true to who they are. Along with those experiences, I was also leading teams, developing people, advising corporate executives, and delivering training. People continued to be the center of my work.
And when I got the chance, I became a Coach because I wanted more out of life. Training to be professional Coach taught me who I wanted to be, what I wanted to do, and helped me become a better father, husband and son.
My style of coaching comes from a combination of training with the Co-Active Training Institute, tools such as PostiveIntelligence®, StrengthsFinder® and VitalSmarts®, and 15+ years of real life experience in innovation and design roles in which I facilitated workshops, led teams and advised executives. I am certified by Co-Active Training Institute (I am a CPCC) and the International Coaching Federation (I am an ACC).
I work with my clients to create real and lasting change in their professional and personal lives. I have a fierce belief that we all should want more and that each of us is capable of achieving more. I work with my clients’ inherent creativity, resourcefulness and other strengths and champion their commitment to change and grow. I bring proven structures and tools, relentless optimism, a balance of emotion and action, and a mix of insightful introspection and actionable steps forward.